I picked up my daughter Victoria and her boyfriend Jarrett from the airport yesterday. Omigosh it was great to see her and catch up on what has been happening in both of our lives over the past few months and, for once, I had more to talk about than she;-)
Of course, her and I simply pick back up from where we left off last, so it is just a warm and comforting conversation, even when covering the more difficult aspects of our lives...I am so very glad that she is here:D
Jarrett seems to be a very nice young man and they do seem happy together and definitely in love. I hope to get to know this guy who is so important in my not-so-little-anymore girl's life, but am certain that her good judgement held sway when they chose to become friends.
Anyway, I look forward to an enjoyable week spent with these two...and who knows, I might even get to like this guy;-)
Friday, December 29, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Christmas For Just The Two Of Us...For Now
Thursday, December 21, 2006
He's Finally Here!!!
My son John has finally arrived to spend Christmas week with me. I picked him up at the airport in Seattle today and was I surprised at seeing him. He has grown another couple of inches and now stand only abut 2 inches shorter than his Dad (that would be me;-) Of course, being my progeny, he is strappingly handsome, blonde-hired and blue-eyed, athletic in build...a real heart-breaker-to-be, I am certain. Seriously, I am so very proud of the tall, handsome, well-mannered young man that John has turned out to be. In light of his mother and I divorcing when he was 7 years old, I have always been concerned about any latent ill effects that this might have had on his personality, yet here he stands at 16, tall, intelligent, well-adjusted and articulate...everything that I could have expected from a son of mine...and more. God has truly blessed me in having John as my son and I plan on us having as much fun as we can in the short time that he is here.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
What European City Do You Belong In?
You Belong in Dublin |
You're the perfect person to go wild on a pub crawl... or enjoy a quiet bike ride through the old part of town. |
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Take Time To Smell The...Leaves
As we all rush through our busy lives, too often we overlook some of the simpler, subtler and more precious of this world’s pleasures. The fall season is now full upon us, with the first breaths of frost coaxing from the trees the full spectrum of their fall colors; golden yellows, brilliant oranges, and, finally, the fiery, blazing reds that catch our eye…and cause us to catch our breath. Indeed, ere too many days are past, we shall be visited by the first snows of winter, so if you have not yet done so, I entreat you to take time this week to enjoy what may very well be the last few glorious sunny days of the season. My new-found autumn haven is a secluded, soft, grassy hill where one can lay in the warmth of the afternoon sun, gaze dreamingly into the sapphire-blue sky, enjoy the rich, earthy smell of damp fallen leaves, and feel the cool tingle of the fall breeze on one’s skin; giving one cause to think longingly of the waning days of summer. Share, if you can, these moments with a good book, the company of a dear friend (even if only by cell phone;-) or the loving memory of someone whom you hold close in your heart, if not in your arms. For surely these are the days that God created to allow us a brief glimpse of what wonders as might await us in heaven and it would be tragic indeed if we did not take pause and embrace them.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Er Þessi Ég? (Is This Me?)
Your Rising Sign is Gemini |
Sometimes you're adaptable and friendly; other times indecisive and unsure. No matter what, you're the life of the party or conversation. Witty and talkative, you entertain with your stories and gossip. It's a bit difficult for you to finish what you start - jobs, friendships, relationships... There's so much you want to try. You often bite off more than you can chew. |
Thursday, October 12, 2006
School Days, School Days...
It looks like I may have survived my first university exams in over 15 years My Pre-Calculus test was the toughest and most important, but I think that I did well, even with life and work competing with my studying. The class is small, only about 10 regular students, but the instructoir is good, contrary to the reputation of CBC's Math Dept. I am glad that this class is going well, since math is going to be such a large part of my astro-physics studies. Now, I have to get back to homework and packing for my flight over to Seattle for a couple of days of meetings. See y'all later!
Monday, October 02, 2006
What Planet Should I Rule?
You Should Rule Jupiter |
You are perfect to rule Jupiter, because you are both dominant and kind. You have great strength and confidence, but you never abuse your power. You are always right. Even if you make mistakes, you compensate for them... before anyone knows it. Headstrong and ambitious, you always have a goal in mind. You are optimistic and believe thing things will always work out. |
A Magical Moment in the Sun
Saturday I climbed up past Summerland on the east flank of Mt. Rainier and made my way up over Panhandle Gap. In fact, I think that this hike/run constituted a "personal best" in terms of speed and endurance over the approximately 15 miles that I covered that day. I say that "I think" because I never take such things seriously enough to actually time them...life is too short;-) At any rate, I literally ran the 2+ miles up from Summerland, over the gap and out on the ridgeline to a point overlooking the Sarvent Glaciers, and then back again, racing nightfall the whole way...too much fun!
During my trek I did find a rock outcropping that projected out over the Sarvent Glacier, some 500 feet below. I climbed out and sat there on the edge of oblivion, enjoying the cool air, deep blue skies and last vestiges of warmth from the late afternoon sun, all the while looking out over the Fryingpan Creek valley and marveling at the pristine mountain beauty displayed before me. This late in the day there was not another soul within miles and I truly felt as if all of this magnificence was placed there for me to enjoy.
Just when I believed the moment to be as perfect as possible (well, except for...you know;-), a pair of golden eagles soared around the edge of the canyon, flying towards me over the icy expanse of the glacier below. Taking notice of my presence, they abruptly reversed their course, letting loose a loud, piercing screech, seemingly voicing their displeasure at my unwanted intrusion into their domain. Then, as they turned, banking and exposing their undersides to the setting sun's soft, warm light, they literally exploded in a brilliant display of amber and gold, rivaling the beauty of the sun itself. Then they were gone, leaving me sitting there alone, breathless in my wonder at the magnificent display of nature's beauty that I had just witnessed.
The lengthing of the shadows from the mountain behind me presaged the coming of darkness, hastening my departure and lending urgency to my descent back towards civilization. Although I climbed down the mountain that day, I left behind me on that rocky outcropping an imprint of my soul and took with me a renewed appreciation of nature's beauty and a re-invigoration of my spirit that will surely sustain me for many days to come.
During my trek I did find a rock outcropping that projected out over the Sarvent Glacier, some 500 feet below. I climbed out and sat there on the edge of oblivion, enjoying the cool air, deep blue skies and last vestiges of warmth from the late afternoon sun, all the while looking out over the Fryingpan Creek valley and marveling at the pristine mountain beauty displayed before me. This late in the day there was not another soul within miles and I truly felt as if all of this magnificence was placed there for me to enjoy.
Just when I believed the moment to be as perfect as possible (well, except for...you know;-), a pair of golden eagles soared around the edge of the canyon, flying towards me over the icy expanse of the glacier below. Taking notice of my presence, they abruptly reversed their course, letting loose a loud, piercing screech, seemingly voicing their displeasure at my unwanted intrusion into their domain. Then, as they turned, banking and exposing their undersides to the setting sun's soft, warm light, they literally exploded in a brilliant display of amber and gold, rivaling the beauty of the sun itself. Then they were gone, leaving me sitting there alone, breathless in my wonder at the magnificent display of nature's beauty that I had just witnessed.
The lengthing of the shadows from the mountain behind me presaged the coming of darkness, hastening my departure and lending urgency to my descent back towards civilization. Although I climbed down the mountain that day, I left behind me on that rocky outcropping an imprint of my soul and took with me a renewed appreciation of nature's beauty and a re-invigoration of my spirit that will surely sustain me for many days to come.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Ah, Campus Life...Again
Okay, so it has been over ten years since I went to school, and thirty since my last university math class, but I still tested out in the 34-52% range in algebra and trigonometry...good enough to skip a semester of pre-calculus. I started out this morning just planning on testing and then starting class next week. I ended up spending the entire day at the college; testing, counseling, registering, buying books *ugh*, paying tuition (NOT...being a state employee;-) and finally attending my first pre-calculus class tonight *PHEW* What a day it was, and what a blast I had...even I could not believe the effect just being back on campus had on my enthusiasm and energy level...I was so excited that I was told that I was acting just like a little kid on Christmas morning...and that is exactly how I felt:D I just hope that the enthusiasm lasts for the next 10 years or so, for this, that is...I know it will last a lifetime for her;-)...but, until it wears off...JAHUUUU!!!! (on both sides;-)
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Erin Gruwell!
Last night I had the pleasure of listening to and meeting this famous author of "The Freedom Writers Diary", which is a compilation of writings by an amazing group of disadvantaged, inner-city students of hers. As amazing as her students and their stories are, they are nothing in comparison to her...charming, eloquent, dynamic and inspirational...AND a fellow revolutionary, fighting the good fight against bureaucracy and the sterile, stereotypical treatment of human beings. The experience of hearing her speak in person and getting to actually meet her touched and absolutely enchanted me. If y'all have not had the chance to read this book, I would encourage you to do so...I am about to read it again for the third time...and watch for the movie, due out towards the beginning of next year...I'll be at the screening, too cool!:D
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Bumbershoot Rocks...and So Do The Veronicas!!!
I spent the day yesterday in Seattle at the Bumbershoot music festival. The music was fantastic, with the Steve Miller Band, Copeland, and Sparta among the groups that I took in while there. I ended the day with The Veronicas and Jess and Lisa did not disappoint me...they were every bit as beautiful, charming and rocking as I imagined them to be...especially Lisa *sigh* (I caught her eye early on in the concert and I have been smitten every since;-) Their music was even more awesome in person and I will catch them every time they are playiing anywhere even close to me. Of course, there were quite a few local artisits occupying the street corners and they were every bit as entertaining as the big name bands. Being Seattle, it was at least as much fun watching the people as it was the bands. Folks of every size, shape, description and mental state were out in profusion. The day was picture perfect, sunny, blue skies, warm, just made for laying out in a sunny spot in the grass and listening to a rock band bang it out on stage in front of you. I cannot think of a much more enjoyable way to spend Labor Day and I will be back next year, once again!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Back to School!!!
After a 10 year hiatus from furthering my education, Friday I enrolled as a student at Columbia Basin College with the intent of beginning my life-long goal, that of acquiring a PhD in Astrophysics. Okay, I know that it sounds like a fairly lofty goal and I must admit that it does seem daunting, even to me, but you know, if I never get started at it I will most certainly never complete it. Besides, I estimate that it will take 10-15 years for me to achieve my goal, given that I shall have to continue working full time during that period. But what an amazingly satisfying achievment it shall be when I complete it...I just can't wait for the first class to start:D I shall be taking my mathematics pre-requisiites at CBC and then transferring over to WSU to continue on toward my doctorate. All that it took to get me started is for me and my best friend to agree to nag each other until we both started on our goals...she started working on her MBA this fall at WSU and now I am off and running towards my PhD. It shall be interesting to see which of us gets the furthest and how fast we get there, though in the end the most important thing is that we accomplish something...and, of course, it is always more fun to do it together;-) See y'all around campus, dudes:D
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Back From Paradise
Our trip to Glacier was absolutely spectacular. We hiked over 75 miles across the Continental Divide, walked through some magnificent country, saw grizzly bears, were chased by a forest fire and soaked up as much of the high-alpine country of this beautiful place that we could. Check out the pictures at the usual place, I promise to caption them soon. I can best sum it all up by saying that we are planning on returning next year to explore some more (especially the places the fire kept us away from this year;-) Vertu svalur, y'all:D
The View From Above
The View From Above
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Off To Glacier
Well, I am off to Galcier National Park for a much-needed 10-day holiday of hiking and climbing. I have been trying to get here all of my adult life and it looks as if I will finally succeed. From all that I have heard, it is backpacking's Mecca and I might just have so much fun that I won't come back;-) Watch for the pics in a couple of weeks...vertu svalur, vini minn;-)
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
A Fire In The Sky
I took advantage of a brief respite in the sultry summer nights of late and once more took to the hills at midnight, enjoying the first cool evening in over a fortnight. I eventually outran civilization, escaping the glow of the city and passing beyond the desert hills that normally hide the southern sky from my view. I found myself standing in awe at the vast expanse of starry sky that lay spread out before me, resplendant in a beauty usually reserved for the dark, cold nights of winter. There, center stage, lay Scorpio, menacingly poised in its eternal pursuit of the mighty hunter Orion, preceded in its traverse of the heavens by the brilliantly illuminated planet Jupiter, who seemed to pause momentarily before slipping out of view below the western horizon. The archer Sagittarius followed behind Scorpio, completing the procession of the prominent summer constellations that marched across the sky before me. As I stood there, I was enveloped in a cool breeze that momentarily caused me to forget the blistering heat of the day. But ere that memory was washed from my conciousness, my gaze was drawn to the center of Scorpio's wide expanse by an intense red glow in the heavens...Antares, a distant, yet massive red super-giant star, a red-hot ember that seemed to smolder in the darkness of the night, reminding all who viewed it that despite the refreshing coolness of the evening, the morrow would indeed witness the return to dominance of summer's province. It was under the baleful glare of that siren of summer that I turned homeward, knowing that when sleep finally o'ertook me, I would once again dream longingly of Father Frost's coming and welcome the passing of the season of the sun.
Monday, July 10, 2006
The Way To The Top
John and I spent our last day together climbing the snowfields up to Camp Muir. John has tried this exhausting hike before but has never been able to make it. The day broke out clear and calm, with those all-too-rare beautiful deep-blue skies that you only see in the mountains. The snow was perfect for climbing and we made record time in traversing the snowfields. As you might have suspected by now, we did indeed make it to Camp Muir and basked in the warmth of the sunlight as we lay on the rock slopes overlooking the encampment. The, it was off at a dead run back down, plunge-stepping and skating at breakneck speed until our legs were so exhausted that they threatened to fail us and send us out of control into the rocks bordering the snowfields. Then, too soon, it was over, we were back down on the civilized trials and heading back to camp. John left the next day, headed back to Texas, but carrying with him the satisfaction of having bested his own expectations for himself and standing in triumph at the pinnacle of one of the many personal acheivements that he will undoubtedly attain during his long life to come.
Camp Muir
John hjá Camp Muir
Camp Muir
John hjá Camp Muir
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Friends of Ohanapecosh
We spent a delightful 4th of July holiday weekend at Mt. Rainier. The weather was perect, the snow pack still sufficient to offer some late season snowfield trekking and I thoroughly enjoyed the company of my son John as we took advantage of the opportunity to get out and spend some time together. We got to renew acquaintances with some old friends at the park and make some new friends in the process. So, we bid a hearty "Welcome back!" to Barret, Mimi, Sandy, and Renee and a warm "Welcome!" to our new friends, Lauren and Beth.
On the down-side of the trip, I finally started piecing together something that has been nagging me for some time now. The magnificent old-growth lowland forest in which the Ohanapecosh Campground resides is DYING!!!...and dying as a result of the human activity that has been prevalent there since it became a part of the Mt. Rainier National Park. More on this later, but I am determined that politics and bureaucratic stupidity will not be the reason that this unique natural resource ceases to exist. So, keep an eye out for a new website focused on bringing national, if not international, attention to this tragedy. But until then...vertu svalur, y'all:D
On the down-side of the trip, I finally started piecing together something that has been nagging me for some time now. The magnificent old-growth lowland forest in which the Ohanapecosh Campground resides is DYING!!!...and dying as a result of the human activity that has been prevalent there since it became a part of the Mt. Rainier National Park. More on this later, but I am determined that politics and bureaucratic stupidity will not be the reason that this unique natural resource ceases to exist. So, keep an eye out for a new website focused on bringing national, if not international, attention to this tragedy. But until then...vertu svalur, y'all:D
Sunday, May 28, 2006
My Daughter's Big Day
Here I sit in Fort Worth, Texas waiting for my daughter Victoria's graduation. It hardly seems possible that here is the girl who it only seems like yesterday that I was brushing her hair before school and trying to get her to decide whether it was to be a pony tail, pig tails, or braids (which I never did fully master) today, often all three, one after the other, as she changed her mind, with Daddy dutifully obliging; now standing almost eye-to-eye with me, fully looking the confident, intelligent, responsible (and, of course, most beautiful;-) young woman that she has grown to become. I have often heard that it makes one feel old to realize that your children have reached adulthood, but seeing Victoria now; full of enthusiasm and wide-eyed wonder at every day, naive and innocent, yet fearlessly ready to face the world, full of exhuberance towards being a woman, yet still every bit that little girl whose hair I brushed every day; instead makes me feel young and full of life, even a little rejuvenated at experiencing once again, this time through her, that wide-eyed wonder at the small miracles that occur every day, yet that we tend to become blind to as life's pace accelerates to adulthood. Yes, a young woman has indeed blossomed before my eyes, but she has only just begun to flower, with many amazing years to come before she fully blooms...I could not be prouder of her, nor more excited for her at the wonders and miracles she will experience in the years to come. Life on!!!
A View To Forever
While flying from Seattle to Texas yesterday, we happened to fly at eye level through what I have to assume was a contrail from another plane that crossed our path some time before. It's passing was evidenced by twin sets of wispy segments of tubes of condensed moisture that trailed off towards the setting sun...an almost-transparent, undulating series of of dis-jointed, etheral conduits forming a myriad of mystical portals through which one could almost imagine catching a glimpse of one's tomorrow. Then in a blink of an eye, the moment was past and they were gone. Were they indeed as I perceived them to be? Were they even there at all? The only certainty that I am left with is that my tomorrow will be, whether or not I am offered a glimpse at what it may bring.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Aldur Af Dagur Minn
You Are Sunrise |
You enjoy living a slow, fulfilling life. You enjoy living every moment, no matter how ordinary. You are a person of reflection and meditation. You start and end every day by looking inward. Caring and giving, you enjoy making people happy. You're often cooking for friends or buying them gifts. All in all, you know how to love life for what it is - not for how it should be. |
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Og Þeir Ert
Your Eyes Should Be Blue |
Your eyes reflect: Innocence and sweetness What's hidden behind your eyes: A calculating mind |
Sunday, May 07, 2006
They Can't See It Coming
I just returned from ACPE 2006, an IT conference, and one of the main topics concerning the network security experts is nothing other than MySpace.com. They spent quite a while discussing how to block, control, police, etc., this site. I have to give credit to one of the presenters, he did finally offer the possibility that this was the wrong approach...go figure! Of course, any of us who embrace the "growing up digital" philosophy believe that there is nothing intrinsically "wrong" with MySpace, or any other blog site. These sites, as well as instant messaging, chat rooms, text messaging, e-mail, are all simply means by which the digital generation (as well as us "digital immigrants") communicate and are a part of their culture. Assuming that to be true, then there is no point in further discussion on blocking and controlling these things, but instead how to better educate folks in using them responsibly. It is a fact that throughout history, the emerging generation has set the standards and mores of their culture and by doing so have defined the new reality for all of us as they assume stewardship of our world. We as an IT community had better be prepared to support that reality or we shall most certainly become irrelevant.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Geek Fest 2006
Well, that's what Dalton Bly from ESD 101 calls ACPE...but then Dalton does not get out much (sorry, Dude;-) Seriously, I just returned from 4 days with the IT guys and gals at the Association for Computer Professionals in Education annual conference at Mt. Hood and it was as great as always. The weather was perfect, they even had a hiking session (with some good company I might add, but nowhere near as scintillating as that back at home;-) and the sessions were first-rate. The vendors were fantastic and I even spent 3 hours manning two grills for Ron Kaiser over at the HP hospitality house (of course, I had a BLAST doing it;-) The closing keynote spoke on leadership, communication and change...all on my favorite-subject list for the past year, so it really resonated with me and I enjoyed the conversaton immensly. It was a fantastic time and I am already looking forward to next year when we will put on a shin-dig at the Dell house that will put them all to shame, O já...vertu svalur, y'all.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Sandwich Heaven
The Original Primanti Brother's Diner
I finished the day by driving down by the river to the old blue-collar district, now called The Strip, and hunted down the original Primanti Brothers diner. The ambience was fantastic...definitely classic, industrial, working-class digs. The diner is pretty much original, the food definitely a heart attack on a bun, the natives friendly and the whole experience smacked of a scene out of any old steel mill movie that you have ever seen. The marquee sandwich is your choice of meat (I agreed with the recommended capicola), a handful of greasy fries, big dollop of cole slaw (not sweet), cheese, grilled onions if you want; all piled between two large slabs of fresh-sliced Italian bread and served up on a sheet of butcher paper. There are well-used bottles of Red Devil hot sauce all up and down the diner’s bar, so just add a real Coke to cool things off and there you are! OMG, I think that it was the best sandwich that I have ever had! Add to all that being soaking wet from walking through a driving thunderstorm, the comforting warmth of the diner, enjoying the company of regular, working-class folks and sharing the bar with a couple of Pittsburgh plain-clothes cops (real shaved-head, uni-brow gorillas, straight out of "The Shield"...Sorry, guys...luv ya;-)...it was pretty much Heaven! You know, I instantly felt at home and actually considered not leaving...truly good times, O já!!!
The View From Above
The Ride To The Top
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Open & Honest Communication...Not!
Okay, I now believe that my right brain has totally take over. I travel completely across the state only to find myself embarking on yet another crusade on this topic. I mean, as a guy, aren't I supposed to present as the antithesis of this philosophy? And yet, here I am trying to coax my colleagues out of their xenophobic shells and engage them in open, honest and passionate debate on topics that I know should be making their blood boil! Has everyone forgotten that passionate debate is the crucible in which great ideas are formed? Worse yet than the silence, are the poisonous, whispered, behind-closed-doors conversations that sabotage any honest efforts at reaching consenus; and these lively little shadow conversations are enjoying the active participation of very folks that sit dumb and apathetic in the open forums! It does make one wonder what it is that they fear so much that they would rather let themselves go unheard rather than risk(?) taking a public stand on something for which they possess strong convictions. I do not know, but I am determined to find out...and drag them out into debate, kicking and screaming if necessary;-)
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Eða Jafnvel Betra...Reykjavík
You Belong in Dublin |
Friendly and down to earth, you want to enjoy Europe without snobbery or pretensions. You're the perfect person to go wild on a pub crawl... or enjoy a quiet bike ride through the old part of town. |
Friday, April 07, 2006
Er Þessi Ég?
You Are a Natural Flirt |
Believe it or not, you're a really effective flirt. And you're so good, you hardly notice that you're flirting. Your attitude and confidence make you a natural flirt. And the fact that you don't know it is just that more attractive! |
Monday, March 27, 2006
It's A Small World, After All
After getting to talk more and know Gary and George from the hospital in Englewood, NJ; as well as Dan (my Lab partner) from Landers, Inc. (NJ, also) and Ryan from Virgin Records in L.A., I have been reminded that no matter from where we hail, or whom we serve, all IT guys share concerns and challeges that are more similar, perhaps, than we would like to admit. It is this honest networking amongst such a diverse group of passionate professionals that is perhaps the most valuable part of events such as this Microsoft Vista TAP-RD. I know that my experiences of the first day and a half have more than made this trip worthwhile...and there is another day and a half yet to come!...vertu svalur, ya'll
Geek Bowl
Microsoft hosted an all-you can eat, drink and play event at Acme Bowl at Southcenter this evening. What a great idea and an even better time! We got to play together, enjoy some good, old-fashioned conraderie and network on a level that wouuld never have ben possible otherwise. I even met a Microsoft rep and some partners from Pittsburgh and Philly who were able to steer me towards the best local eateries in the neighboroods of both towns...too cool! Great idea and kudos to you, Astrid...you are the BOMB!
Vista TAP Airlift at Microsoft
Here I am, with half a state seperating me from the one who holds my heart in her hands, in Redmond attending the kick-off event for the rapid deployment team for the new Windows operating system, Vista. The social last night was fun, though fairly low-key since it was attended by a bunch guys and gals;-) I did meet Gary and George, IT guys from the hospital in Englewood, NJ; and we spent most of the evening talking shop and drinking beer. Not too bad a way to start the event, but I suppose that we might actually have to produce some real work today. At least the weather is gloomy and cool, which really compliments my melancholy mood over missing being with her...Oh well, c'est amor;-)
IV Rocks!
Saturday night I dropped by The Pub and caught Bill Burke pounding away on the drums playing with his band IV. The three of them are actually pretty good and can really rock out. The crowd was lively and an interesting mix of young and old alike. I ended up staying for the whole night and enjoyed the music and the people. I might even start hanging out here a little more often.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Pennsylvannia Here I Come
It's official, I shall be travelling across the country to attend three days of training on meeting organization. Not that the training itself is all that astounding, but my having the opportunity to visit the East Coast is one that I am looking forward to. I plan on staying over the weekend and touring Philadelphia, the birthplace of our country's freedom, Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, Betsy Ross' House, etc. The chance to see my good friend Forrest after all of these years is also too good to pass up and I have already called him to plan the weekend. April will be a busy month, but this trip will also be some fun!
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Upward and Skyward
I am in Portland for the 2nd annual Washington State WESPaC User Group (WASWUG...gotta love THAT acronym, eh;-) I mainly go for the networking opportunities, but I must say that I have come to enjoy the positive energy of these conferences. I also attended the first one last year, when there was a lot of residual negativity about our student information system still floating around, and the unabashed enthusiasm and energy of the attendees was a much-needed shot in the arm for all of us that support this system. And, as was proved out, the optimisitic ones had the correct perspective, as we have completed the deployment of the student product with overwhelming success and yesterday began the protoype deployment of the fiscal product. The sessions this year have been well attended and the atmosphere familial and almost festive. You would have to look far and wide to find a better group of folks to spend time with, and I am having a blast!...vertu svalur, y'all
Monday, March 06, 2006
Perhaps There Is Some Hope For Me After All
The Art Director at the college paid us a huge compliment when she said that she had never seen the regional art show presented as well as it was this year. Since Suzie and I played the major part in the display and layout, I took that as a distinct compliment to our collaborative artistic efffort. What with me being a left-brain IT guy, my more creative right-brain self took that as incredible and welcome praise. Who knows, perhaps there is a new career in the making here...or perhaps it was just the product of my recent emotional pain and anguish that sparked a creative fire in me...who knows;-)
Sunday, March 05, 2006
A Worthy Effort...and Fun at That
I volunteered to help Trish (my ex-assistant) with the setup for our annual regional art show at Columbia Basin College, where we showcase, judge and send on to the state competition, the best of our region's high school students' art. It was two days of hard work, but one that was just what the doctor ordered for me...a cause in which to expend all of my nervous energy, an opportunity to make new friends and a worthy effort on top of all of that. The quality of the product of our students' creativity never ceases to amaze me and, in sheer quantity, our show is always the largest in the state, therefore we have the privelege of sending more entrants on to the state competition. This year we are showing over 530 pieces of art, and that means that we had to check in, provide space for, hang and display all of that in two days! We did have a good team, most of the teachers pitched in, and we were fortunate to receive the assistance of an art student from the college. I had the pleasure of spending most of those two days working with Suzie, who was bright, creative and an effective compliment to my more analytical side. We made a good team, worked hard, had fun and collaborated on some very creative displays; accounting for well over 25% of the total pieces displayed. We worked well together and had fun getting it all done, even if it was a long couple of days. For me, it was the first time in over a week that I have been able to put other matters out of my mind and devote my energy into something truly productive.
Friday, March 03, 2006
They Just Don't Get It...
and probably never will. After many discussions with the boss about our leadership's level of "emotional intelligence" or empathy for their employees, I am afraid that I may be fighting a losing battle. The question goes back to all of the current philosophy on leadership and corporate culture...if leaders do not possess the quality of empathy then they can never "develop" it, as it is an inborn trait, not a learned skill, and before a good organization can achieve greatness, the leaders must possess a great degree of empathy for those that they lead. So it would appear that if my perceptions are accurate, we are destined to remain mired in mediocrity, lead by a group that does not possess the skills necessary to pull us up out of the muck of average-ness, nor are they able to be sufficiently introspective to see their failing, or honest enough to admit it. I have to confess though, that it may be unrealistic to expect them, or any human being with any sense of ego or pride, to be able to admit to such a foundational shortcoming in their leadership abilities. It does make one wonder though, if that was the case, why they would continue to promote our exploration of these philosophies which, if we whole-heartedly embrace and understand them, will lead us to recognize these shortcomings in the very leaders that are encouraging us to delve into them. Perhaps they are so lacking in empathy that they don't know that they don't have it, because they truly have no concept of what it feels like to have it! If so, then I am most likely fighting a battle that I can never win and the one question that I have to ask myself is whether or not I will ever achieve anything other than keeping things constantly stirred up in a vain attempt to fix something when I have no chance of first convincing them that anything is broken? So maybe, in the final analysis, I am the one that doesn't get it!!!
[Listening to: Smile Like You Mean It - The Killers - Hot Fuss (03:54)]
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Truer Words Were Never Spoken
"Everyone in love is something of an idiot"...O, Já!
(Alan Shore from Boston Legal)
(Alan Shore from Boston Legal)
[Listening to: What Do I Get? - Buzzcocks - Singles Going Steady (02:54)]
Monday, February 27, 2006
It Never Rains, But That It Pours
Great, now in the most appropriate commentary of all on my present mood...it rains! It appears as if God does indeed have a sense of humor after all;-) Maybe one day, I will get mine back...nótt, nótt
[Listening to: Ruby Soho - Rancid - And Out Come the Wolves (02:38)]
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Love Is A Many Splendored Thing
Sometimes it is a red-hot dagger driven right through the center of your heart, in other words...it just plain hurts!
[Listening to: Behind These Hazel Eyes - Kelly Clarkson - Breakaway (03:19)]
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Michael Fullan
I had yet another occassion to partake of this visionary's always-inspirational insight on educational reform, change, and leadership. We have hosted three of his conferences and I make it a point to work every one of them. First and foremost, out of respect to the man, I would not risk to chance the quality of the technical support. Not that I am perfect, but I am, quite frankly, as good as they come in my realm of expertise and a speaker of his stature deserves no less than to be supported by a technologist of the same caliber. Secondly, and the most personally gratifying, is that I always come away from listening to him speak, with at least one epiphany. This one was no exception and revolved around the concept that great leaders possess a high degree of "emotional intelligence" or empathy for people. No sooner did he get the words out then I realized that this was the missing attribute of our leadership that has caused me so much angst and frustration, their general lack of empathy for those that they lead. More later on the far-reaching implications of this realization...vertu svalur, y'all
[Listening to: Leave Me Alone (Album Version) - The Veronicas - The Secret Life Of... (03:29)]
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Pretty, But Mentally Challenging
A more accurate description for her I could not have come up with if I had tried, O já!...vertu svalur og glaður allan tímann líka
[Listening to: Sitting, Waiting, Wishing - Jack Johnson - In Between Dreams (03:04)]
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Er Þessi Ég?
Hmm...I don't know, what do you think?
How You Are In Love |
You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time. You give completely and unconditionally in relationships. You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time. You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change. You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard. |
Thursday, February 16, 2006
A Brief Return to Winter
My midnight run tonight reminded me that Old Man Winter has not yet relinquished his icy grip on the season. The temperature is in the mid-twenties, heading for the single digits (farenheit, that is), with a stiff north wind blowing. Personally, I am glad to see that there is a wee bit of the frost left to be enjoyed before Spring begins it's awakening...vertu svalur (literally, even;-)
[Listening to: Behind These Hazel Eyes - Kelly Clarkson - Breakaway (03:19)]
Friday, February 10, 2006
NCCE 2006
Well, the conference has ended, everyone has packed up and I am home again. I would have to say that this year's conference was one of the more enjoyable ones for me. The discussions were engaging and visionary, my nomination of Alan Walker for the Technology Leader of the Year was successful, I made some new contacts in the industry and participated more with the leadership of the tech community. Glenn's management of the technology of the conference was successful, at least partially because he has a good team with which to work. On the downside, I have to admit that bidding David Walddon a heartfelt farewell from OSPI as he heads off to Microsoft was one of the most bittersweet moments that I have experienced in quite a while. I shall miss his leadership, humor and friendship while wishing him and his family all of the best that life has to offer.
Of course, being apart from the one that I wish most to be with always drives my desire to return home almost as soon as I depart. I know that the term "sweet misery" may seem contradictory, but not to anyone who has experienced the intense longing for another that I feel for her...and I hope that the misery never ends;-)
Of course, being apart from the one that I wish most to be with always drives my desire to return home almost as soon as I depart. I know that the term "sweet misery" may seem contradictory, but not to anyone who has experienced the intense longing for another that I feel for her...and I hope that the misery never ends;-)
[Listening to: You Were Meant For Me (LP Version) - Jewel - Pieces Of You (04:14)]
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Dive Karaoke
One of the Microsoft gals expressed a desire for some "dive karaoke" and so last night the Microsoft, Dell, and HP gang and myself and some tech ladies from Puyallup went out to the Alibi Bar. It was easy to find, even for someone unfamiliar with the dark streets of the Swan Lake district of Portland, all we had to do was look for the garish neon sign and throwback 60's Tiki bar decor. Once inside, the retro look continued, but the staff was accomodating, the crowd lively, and the singing about as bad as one would expect...especially ours;-) We did have a heck of a good time, the locals contributed greatly to the atmosphere, and our gang did themselves proud. For myself, I drank about 8 margaritas, sang very little, but danced back-up to the gals whenever the opportunity presented itself. We finally gave it up about midnight so that we could grab a little sleep before the morning conference sessions began and I found myself giving the Puyallup trio a ride back to their hotel. I would say that the company was enjoyable, a GREAT time was had by all and we definitely drowned some demons that night...Jáhúú
[Listening to: Thank You - Dido - No Angel (03:38)]
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
...With Liberal Applications of Chocolate...Auðvitað!
I have to admit that I am proud of my baby girl. She took her first broken heart in stride and seems to bouncing back quite well, after a little bout of feeling sorry for herself. She went to school the next day, head held up and proud, and has never looked back. Of course, she does admit that chocolate, Cheetos and Cherry Coke were her constant companions for a couple of days;-) But, between that and good friends, she seems not too much worse for the wear. I did pass along all of y'alls best wishes and good advice and she has asked me to give y'all a huge, virtual group hug and tell you how much she appreciated the support. I personally liked the Ben and Jerry's therapy idea myself...New York Super Fudge Crunch, of course!!!
[Listening to: Everything to Me - Liz Phair - Everything To Me/Clean (03:18)]
Monday, February 06, 2006
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
How Do You Mend A Broken Heart?
It finally happened...my "little girl" has suffered her first real break-up. It actually happened while I was talking to her on the telephone and Cecil (aka the jerk that broke my baby's heart) actually broke up with her by texting Victoria on her cell phone! I mean, c'mon guy, at least have the nerve to tell her to her face, or at least let her hear it with your own voice! A sign of the times perhaps, but still a bit cold and unfeeling I think. So, here is the girl who it only seems like yesterday that I was brushing her hair before school and trying to get her to decide whether it was to be a pony tail, pig tails, or braids (which I never did fully master) today, often all three, one after the other, as she changed her mind, with Daddy dutifully obliging; now 18 years old and crying because some guy dumps her because he "doesn't feel the same about her any more." About the only advice that I could give her was to go ahead and get her crying done, have a good old-fashioned pity party, complete with chocolate and ice cream, get what sleep she could, get up tomorrow and go to school, walking tall and proud and letting everyone see who the REAL loser was! I mean, after all, she IS the most beautiful, intelligent and charming girl that God has put on this earth, so who is she to back down from anyone who treats her as anything less. Anyway, she seemed to feel a bit better after we commiserated and schemed a bit, even had a laugh or to before we had to end the call. Of course, I am certain that she will bounce back quickly and be on to future loves and heartbreaks...WAIT, what the hell am I saying, this is still Daddy's little angel;-) Ahh, to return to the simpler times of our lives, and wonderful ones at that. But then, that might make life too easy and what would be the challenge in that, eh?...vertu svalur og glaður allan tímann líka
Monday, January 30, 2006
By The Light of the Silvery Moon...or is it?
I hope that y'all had the chance to view the slim crescent moon as it set in the clear early-evening sky tonight, though you had to look quick, as it set about an hour after sunset. If not, then you might have another chance tomorrow, assuming that the skies stay clear. If they do, then look to the southwest about 6:00 pm tomorrow and you might be treated to a glimpse of one of my favorite sky-watching phenomena. The moon should still appear to the casual observer to be a slim, silvery crescent in the darkening sky. However, if you look closely at the so-called "dark" portion of the moon, you will see that it is actually very dimly lit. This soft, almost eerie, glow is very aptly named "earthshine" and results from sunlight reflecting off of the earth, back to the moon, and then back yet again to our planet, and your eyes. While most of the time I successfully ignore the science of the heavens and just enjoy the splendor that nature puts before me for its own intrinsic beauty, in this case I find that the science actually lends a bit of mystique and intrigue to the event and is therefore allowed to intrude upon the moment. In fact, next to a brilliant full moon on a sultry summer's night, I find the silvery crescent moon and its ghostly aura to be one of the more beautiful and romantic sights in the evening sky; see it with someone you love!
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Dancing The Night Away
Last night we had our company "Employee Dinner" or "Holiday Celebration" or what EVER we are calling it this year. Though I rale against all of the political correctness that seems to be pervading our agency of late and resulting in stupidity such as that prevents us from having a CHRISTMAS PARTY, it WAS fun. We had a DJ this year, but our group seem to be quite a bit more laid back and prefers to watch folks singing karaoke instead of dancing. Of course, I could not let this travesty of partydom continue for long and ended up having to dance while others were singing to get the real party started. We ended up dancing the last half of the evening, at least the young and the females amongst us...oh, that includes me too;-) It was a blast, though the crowd thinned out pretty quick, but I noticed that attendance was way down and hope that getting the word out that the entertainment is a bit more lively now will help get more folks to show up next year. Who knows, with a larger crowd, perhaps certain others will get up and dance, I mean is it too much to ask to have just one dance together?...okay, maybe two;-) Now I have to work on reversing the PC trend and get our CHRISTMAS PARTY back! Oh well, I do so love a challenge.
[Listening to: Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day - Boulevard of Broken Dreams (04:22)]
Monday, January 16, 2006
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Snowshoeing...Way Cool!!!
We went up to Snoqualamie Pass today for a REI snowshoeing clinic. They had representatives there from all of the major snowshoe companies set up in tents. Once you signed in you could make the rounds of the tents and try out any or all of the different models available on the mountain. The Mountaineers Lodge is an old ski lodge and had some nice slopes and great trails through the pine trees. I tried out all of the available snowshoes and spent the day having a blast running up and down the mountain, weaving through the trees, and learning the pitfalls of jumping creeks with snowshoes on (something that DEFINITELY requires some practice;-), and climbing out of creeks after you miss the jump. It was great fun and something that I have been wanting to do for some time. After all, it extends the hiking season into the winter months and with all of the trips that I make through the mountains, I will be carrying a set of snowshoes with me from now on, O já!
[Listening to: Precious (U.S. Radio Version) - Depeche Mode - Precious (04:08)]
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Gleðilegt Nýár
I can only hope that the new year is kinder and more gentle than the old,
That all men, everywhere, look to each other as brothers,
And to all women as their equals.
That hunger, poverty and war are as foreign to us as is the Dodo,
And that tsunamis, genocide and sexual predators are just a bad dream.
I hope that the new year finds my distant friends a bit closer to me in the heart,
That all who know me always think fondly of me,
And that no one, anywhere, considers life to be so hopeless as to end it prematurely.
I hope that everyone, everywhere, always find the time to stop and smell the roses,
That they take the time to tell their loved ones "I love you",
And to hug their children and tell them that they are the reason that God smiles!
I can only hope that y'all have the opportunity to love life as much as it deserves to be,
That life is as kind to you as you deserve it to be,
And that you pass the love along to all those who deserve it.
Happy New Year and all my best wishes and love go out to y'all,
For life would not be worth the living if it were it not for the love!
That all men, everywhere, look to each other as brothers,
And to all women as their equals.
That hunger, poverty and war are as foreign to us as is the Dodo,
And that tsunamis, genocide and sexual predators are just a bad dream.
I hope that the new year finds my distant friends a bit closer to me in the heart,
That all who know me always think fondly of me,
And that no one, anywhere, considers life to be so hopeless as to end it prematurely.
I hope that everyone, everywhere, always find the time to stop and smell the roses,
That they take the time to tell their loved ones "I love you",
And to hug their children and tell them that they are the reason that God smiles!
I can only hope that y'all have the opportunity to love life as much as it deserves to be,
That life is as kind to you as you deserve it to be,
And that you pass the love along to all those who deserve it.
Happy New Year and all my best wishes and love go out to y'all,
For life would not be worth the living if it were it not for the love!
[Listening to: Where Does the Good Go - Tegan and Sara - So Jealous (03:37)]
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