Thursday, April 13, 2006

Open & Honest Communication...Not!

Okay, I now believe that my right brain has totally take over. I travel completely across the state only to find myself embarking on yet another crusade on this topic. I mean, as a guy, aren't I supposed to present as the antithesis of this philosophy? And yet, here I am trying to coax my colleagues out of their xenophobic shells and engage them in open, honest and passionate debate on topics that I know should be making their blood boil! Has everyone forgotten that passionate debate is the crucible in which great ideas are formed? Worse yet than the silence, are the poisonous, whispered, behind-closed-doors conversations that sabotage any honest efforts at reaching consenus; and these lively little shadow conversations are enjoying the active participation of very folks that sit dumb and apathetic in the open forums! It does make one wonder what it is that they fear so much that they would rather let themselves go unheard rather than risk(?) taking a public stand on something for which they possess strong convictions. I do not know, but I am determined to find out...and drag them out into debate, kicking and screaming if necessary;-)

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