Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Upward and Skyward

I am in Portland for the 2nd annual Washington State WESPaC User Group (WASWUG...gotta love THAT acronym, eh;-) I mainly go for the networking opportunities, but I must say that I have come to enjoy the positive energy of these conferences. I also attended the first one last year, when there was a lot of residual negativity about our student information system still floating around, and the unabashed enthusiasm and energy of the attendees was a much-needed shot in the arm for all of us that support this system. And, as was proved out, the optimisitic ones had the correct perspective, as we have completed the deployment of the student product with overwhelming success and yesterday began the protoype deployment of the fiscal product. The sessions this year have been well attended and the atmosphere familial and almost festive. You would have to look far and wide to find a better group of folks to spend time with, and I am having a blast!...vertu svalur, y'all

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