Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Friends of Ohanapecosh

We spent a delightful 4th of July holiday weekend at Mt. Rainier. The weather was perect, the snow pack still sufficient to offer some late season snowfield trekking and I thoroughly enjoyed the company of my son John as we took advantage of the opportunity to get out and spend some time together. We got to renew acquaintances with some old friends at the park and make some new friends in the process. So, we bid a hearty "Welcome back!" to Barret, Mimi, Sandy, and Renee and a warm "Welcome!" to our new friends, Lauren and Beth.

On the down-side of the trip, I finally started piecing together something that has been nagging me for some time now. The magnificent old-growth lowland forest in which the Ohanapecosh Campground resides is DYING!!!...and dying as a result of the human activity that has been prevalent there since it became a part of the Mt. Rainier National Park. More on this later, but I am determined that politics and bureaucratic stupidity will not be the reason that this unique natural resource ceases to exist. So, keep an eye out for a new website focused on bringing national, if not international, attention to this tragedy. But until then...vertu svalur, y'all:D

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