Sunday, May 07, 2006

They Can't See It Coming

I just returned from ACPE 2006, an IT conference, and one of the main topics concerning the network security experts is nothing other than They spent quite a while discussing how to block, control, police, etc., this site. I have to give credit to one of the presenters, he did finally offer the possibility that this was the wrong approach...go figure! Of course, any of us who embrace the "growing up digital" philosophy believe that there is nothing intrinsically "wrong" with MySpace, or any other blog site. These sites, as well as instant messaging, chat rooms, text messaging, e-mail, are all simply means by which the digital generation (as well as us "digital immigrants") communicate and are a part of their culture. Assuming that to be true, then there is no point in further discussion on blocking and controlling these things, but instead how to better educate folks in using them responsibly. It is a fact that throughout history, the emerging generation has set the standards and mores of their culture and by doing so have defined the new reality for all of us as they assume stewardship of our world. We as an IT community had better be prepared to support that reality or we shall most certainly become irrelevant.

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