Saturday, September 02, 2006

Back to School!!!

After a 10 year hiatus from furthering my education, Friday I enrolled as a student at Columbia Basin College with the intent of beginning my life-long goal, that of acquiring a PhD in Astrophysics. Okay, I know that it sounds like a fairly lofty goal and I must admit that it does seem daunting, even to me, but you know, if I never get started at it I will most certainly never complete it. Besides, I estimate that it will take 10-15 years for me to achieve my goal, given that I shall have to continue working full time during that period. But what an amazingly satisfying achievment it shall be when I complete it...I just can't wait for the first class to start:D I shall be taking my mathematics pre-requisiites at CBC and then transferring over to WSU to continue on toward my doctorate. All that it took to get me started is for me and my best friend to agree to nag each other until we both started on our goals...she started working on her MBA this fall at WSU and now I am off and running towards my PhD. It shall be interesting to see which of us gets the furthest and how fast we get there, though in the end the most important thing is that we accomplish something...and, of course, it is always more fun to do it together;-) See y'all around campus, dudes:D

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