Monday, December 27, 2004

La Lune Magnifique

I know that it is technically two days past being full, but I had occasion to enjoy the splendor of a winter night's full moon as I walked this evening. The night was still and the pine forest was shrouded in a veil of freezing fog, yet the earth's mantle of cold damp air was sheer enough to allow the light of the full moon to illuminate the forest trail. Reflecting off of the frost and being diffused by the fog, the moonlight was transformed into a surreal glow that encompassed all that it touched and transported one into some etheral plane where neither form no shadow exist as distinct states of being. To stroll through this scene is to walk on the edge of reality and to lose one's sense of self for a brief moment in time and to perhaps, for that same brief moment, have one's soul touch the natural world that we humans so often blindly stumble through. There is no doubt that moments such as these will surely be deducted from my time spent in heaven...O, Já!
[Listening to: My Immortal - Evanescence - Fallen (04:24)]

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