Monday, December 06, 2004

Going Native Am I?

Y'all might have noticed that I am including a bit more of the Icelandic language as time goes on. Well, that is partially as a result of my having hooked up with my good friend Marianna some time ago and her willingness to help me along as I stumbled along trying to learn her language. Along the way, I have made some other Icelandic friends and they have been wonderful in their assistance as well. Birna, Kolla, and Elín have all been great at helping me along without making too much fun of me;-) though I am certain that it took a lot of restraint on their part not to be ROFL over my attempts at using their language. My thanks to you all, you are the best and make this fun! Ó, vel á minnst, geðjast leiðrétti minn íslenzka svo að ég endurbæta...líka þessi;-)
[Listening to: Can't Get You Out of My Head - Kylie Minogue - Fever (03:51)]

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