Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Ah, Campus Life...Again

Okay, so it has been over ten years since I went to school, and thirty since my last university math class, but I still tested out in the 34-52% range in algebra and trigonometry...good enough to skip a semester of pre-calculus. I started out this morning just planning on testing and then starting class next week. I ended up spending the entire day at the college; testing, counseling, registering, buying books *ugh*, paying tuition (NOT...being a state employee;-) and finally attending my first pre-calculus class tonight *PHEW* What a day it was, and what a blast I had...even I could not believe the effect just being back on campus had on my enthusiasm and energy level...I was so excited that I was told that I was acting just like a little kid on Christmas morning...and that is exactly how I felt:D I just hope that the enthusiasm lasts for the next 10 years or so, for this, that is...I know it will last a lifetime for her;-)...but, until it wears off...JAHUUUU!!!! (on both sides;-)

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Erin Gruwell!

Last night I had the pleasure of listening to and meeting this famous author of "The Freedom Writers Diary", which is a compilation of writings by an amazing group of disadvantaged, inner-city students of hers. As amazing as her students and their stories are, they are nothing in comparison to her...charming, eloquent, dynamic and inspirational...AND a fellow revolutionary, fighting the good fight against bureaucracy and the sterile, stereotypical treatment of human beings. The experience of hearing her speak in person and getting to actually meet her touched and absolutely enchanted me. If y'all have not had the chance to read this book, I would encourage you to do so...I am about to read it again for the third time...and watch for the movie, due out towards the beginning of next year...I'll be at the screening, too cool!:D

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Bumbershoot Rocks...and So Do The Veronicas!!!

I spent the day yesterday in Seattle at the Bumbershoot music festival. The music was fantastic, with the Steve Miller Band, Copeland, and Sparta among the groups that I took in while there. I ended the day with The Veronicas and Jess and Lisa did not disappoint me...they were every bit as beautiful, charming and rocking as I imagined them to be...especially Lisa *sigh* (I caught her eye early on in the concert and I have been smitten every since;-) Their music was even more awesome in person and I will catch them every time they are playiing anywhere even close to me. Of course, there were quite a few local artisits occupying the street corners and they were every bit as entertaining as the big name bands. Being Seattle, it was at least as much fun watching the people as it was the bands. Folks of every size, shape, description and mental state were out in profusion. The day was picture perfect, sunny, blue skies, warm, just made for laying out in a sunny spot in the grass and listening to a rock band bang it out on stage in front of you. I cannot think of a much more enjoyable way to spend Labor Day and I will be back next year, once again!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Back to School!!!

After a 10 year hiatus from furthering my education, Friday I enrolled as a student at Columbia Basin College with the intent of beginning my life-long goal, that of acquiring a PhD in Astrophysics. Okay, I know that it sounds like a fairly lofty goal and I must admit that it does seem daunting, even to me, but you know, if I never get started at it I will most certainly never complete it. Besides, I estimate that it will take 10-15 years for me to achieve my goal, given that I shall have to continue working full time during that period. But what an amazingly satisfying achievment it shall be when I complete it...I just can't wait for the first class to start:D I shall be taking my mathematics pre-requisiites at CBC and then transferring over to WSU to continue on toward my doctorate. All that it took to get me started is for me and my best friend to agree to nag each other until we both started on our goals...she started working on her MBA this fall at WSU and now I am off and running towards my PhD. It shall be interesting to see which of us gets the furthest and how fast we get there, though in the end the most important thing is that we accomplish something...and, of course, it is always more fun to do it together;-) See y'all around campus, dudes:D