Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Heim Aftur!!!

The retreat was a blast, the mountains beautiful and the comraderie was good, but it is nice to be home. Every night found me walking in the dark solitude of the mountains after midnight, while the rest of humanity slumbered. Have you ever spent an evening looking up at the heavens full of a million bright and beautiful stars and wondering if that special someone was looking up at the same sky, at the same time and thinking of you? I know that it is wistful thinking, but it is nice to dream that it might be possible, it does soothe an aching heart just a little and I found myself doing just that, each and every night. Ahh, the affairs of the heart are indeed those that form the milestones of our lives and the memory of these times shall keep my heart warm for an eternity...vertu svalur, y'all.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Mig Haldur Til Hið Fjöll

It is time for our annual retreat at Wallowa, Oregon with our school Superintendents. It is a long trip and the time away from our work this close to the start of school imposes a bit of a burden, but the fellowship and relationship-building makes it more than worth it for me. I also find it hard to compalin about spending a couple of days in the mountains, the scenery is beautiful, the weather quite a bit cooler and I do enjoy spending the time both with my fellow administrators as well as the administrative staff from our small schools...so, I will miss y'all until I return, but will enjoy the moment that I am in...vertu svalur
[Listening to: Scar - Missy Higgins - The Sound of White (03:32)]