Sunday, July 18, 2004

What a Year It Will Be...

An update to the previous weekend's post; I was actually successful in making contact with Julie by e-mailing Rainier Mountaineering and having them forward it along to her.  She summits this weekend, so it will be interesting to see how she did.  I have also talked Larry, an OSPI staffer in our office, into climbing Rainier with me next year this time.  Jeanne and I were talking the other day and we are going to get a bunch together to whitewater raft, skydive, parasail and anything else that the group has left on their lifetime "I wanna do this before I get too old" lists.  Sounds like an interesting year coming up.  Anyway, here I am, missing Victoria and John, trying to squeeze all of the fun out of life that I can, and still babysitting three little kittens.  cya...bCool

1 comment:

Marianna said...

Your doing great stuff it sounds like. Dont let the reason for doing them get in the way ;þ

And Bcool is kind of just said in english here to because the translation is a bit takky. But cool could be svalur or kaldur/köld . Like "vertu svalur" is sometimes used. "vertu" is be then of course. Hehehe :)